Montag, 27. April 2009

Scotland, a Finn and a great weekend with Sam!


Thursday the 9th I picked up my car from the garage (it broke down a week earlier) just in time to drive to Weeze where I got to park it at my parents friend's house, so I could go to the airport there (2 hour ride from Siegen) and fly out to Scotland to see my family there.
I had a great week with them. Especially since I hadn't seen them in a year! I stayed with my grandma and also got to see my aunts, uncles and cousin, which was amazing. They are awesome people and I love them very much! Since I am heading of to the states this year, I won't get to see them for a long time which is very sad. So it was even nicer being able to see them again. 

The three musketeers! :-) (auntie May, aunt Sheela and my Gran! )

sooooo gooood!!!!!!!!


cousin love! :-)
red sheep on green hills..

uncle Archie :-*

an back home we go... :-(

Well, I made it to our friends house in one piece, then left their drive way and realize a weird sound coming from my rear tires... after an hour at the gas station, checking everything I could think of, I decided, that if I drive fast enough and turn the radio up real loud, I would not be able to hear it and make it home alright...haha ..well I did, thank you Lord! :-)
Finally made it to my parents house at 2 am and fell into bed...

Got up at 7 am the next (or same) morning to drive to Gerson and Brittany's place, where I had a little breakfast and picked up Anssi to take him to the airport in Frankfurt-Hahn, another 2,5 hour ride. :-) It was a lot of fun though, so it wasn't bad at all!

A weekend with Sam

Friday afternoon I left work a little early to go into Siegen and pick up my friend Sam (who I spoke about in my last post I think) who came to see me over the weekend. We had such a great time and did A LOT!

First we had a hot chocolate, sitting outside of a cafe in the sun! The weather was amazing all weekend and I even got a little red... :-)
After that we went to a restaurant where we got dinner sitting outside on the pavilion, it was so nice and the food was good too. :-)
Then we made our way to the store to grab some snacks, hit the video store and rented 4 videos. Went to my place and chillaxed the rest of the evening until around 3 am. :-)

We wanted to go to Ikea for breakfast, but stayed in bed a little to long, so when we got there they had started serving lunch already, so we had that instead. :-)
Then we walked around for about another hour and took pictures with all kinds of stuff :-) so much fun!

Then we went into town and walked up to our castle where we walked around and took pictures again. Walked all the way back downtown to H&M and into City Galerie and back up later on to get back to the car. Our feet hurt so bad that we decided to go back to my place and watch the other movies we hadn't watched yet.

Sunday morning we had to be at church for children's ministry and afterwards just hung out in the sun and played some games of Rummy Cub. We then went to the 5 pm church service, which was good. I love to hear Arne teach, he is a lot of fun to listen to. :-)

Then I took Sam back to the train station where we had to say our goodbyes which was sad. But I will go to her place in a couple of weeks for her good bye party, since she will be heading off to Minnesota in 3 weeks already!

I met with my friend Linda at the Cafe del Sol for dinner and we had a good time just hanging out and enjoying our meal. 

I love my friends!!!

to much sun???...NEVER! 

Montag, 6. April 2009

Art, Horses, Kids and a Finn

Work is amazing still. Lately I've been given the possibility to decorate some of our doors and walls of our rooms we use for the after school program. I never knew that it would this much fun to paint huge pictures on walls...I love it!

Birthday calender, I drew the background and we had the kids cut out animals and then put their birthdate on it
my friend brought the clown (He's made of wood) and we put it on the wall and I drew something to go along with it

some stuff i drew on our windows to have a background for our easter bunnies 

that's the sign to our art's and craft's room 
sign to our office

Wendy ( did you know that I love my name ^^ )
We have a magazine here that shares my name. It's a blond (what?!) girl whose parents own a horse ranch, so obviously a lot of people like to joke about that. A lot of my kids at work ask me if I have my own horse just like the magazine-Wendy. So, I decided I should get one...

naaa, just kiddin :-)  A couple of weeks I went on a walk with my friend Kerstin and we met two of our other friends at a lake where they took their horses. So I got to ride a horse again after ages and had some pictures taken. :-) 

Au Pair

Last week we decided to have an Au Pair meeting in Cologne, where I was finally able to meet Sam, my new dear friend who will be moving to Minnesota as well, and some other great girls too that will be going to the states too.
We met at the train station then went to Starbucks where we hung out for a while and just talked, then went down to the Rhine where we sat again :-) and then to Subway for some dinner. It was a lot of fun! :-)


I got a package from my family on Minnesota the other day!!!
They sent pictures of the fam and our little addition Matty!!
I also got tags for my suitcases with my name and their address on them, two great notepads with my name on them that my HostMom made, and local magazines. I am super excited and still so thankful that I met them!

Lunch with friends

The last couple of sundays I was invited to a friends house, where we cooked together after church It was a lot of fun and we had some good conversations.

One thing that made my month! (so far ^^ )

Last week I got a message on FB from my finnish friend Anssi telling me that he would be coming out to visit. So, he made it here and it is so great to see him again.
We've been hanging out the last days and I can't describe how happy I am. Spending time with him and Mike is great and reminds me so much of earlier times when we were all together at the BC! 

Ok, I guess I could think of a million more things I would love to share, but I am running out of time (it's getting late) and I need to look through my other pictures to see if there are any more I would like to put up.

I will be visiting my family in Scotland next week and I am super excited, it's almost been a year since I've seen them last!

Take care my friends!!