Donnerstag, 30. Oktober 2008

another pic

ok, ok, you still can't see how short it really is, I should post a pic from behind some time...

Montag, 27. Oktober 2008


well, I decided that it was time to say goodbye to some of my hair today. After having it back in a pony tail for the longest time, I had a bunch cut off today. Here's what it looks like, kinda:

you might not be able to tell how short it got, but I'll post a better pic some time soon.

Dienstag, 21. Oktober 2008

old friends, kids and sickness

Yesterday an old friend of mine called and asked if I could do some last minute babysitting for him and his wife. So I went to their house which is about 40 minutes away from mine and watched their 4 kids. I am not sure how old the oldest is, I think maybe 5 or 6, and the youngest and only girl is going to be 1 soon.
They put them to bed when I cam, so I didn't really have that much to do, so I sat down and read a book. At one point their 2 year old boy, who had been sick earlier already  woke up and started crying. I realized that he wasn't feeling well and later on he showed me that I was right. :-( poor thing...  Neways, I won't go into detail, but after some cleaning and changing clothes, he was back in bed and hopefully feeling a lot better! :-)
His parents came home shortly after that so I went home where I got to chat with Ines for a lil bit, which was great!

Montag, 20. Oktober 2008


a few days ago I posted a pic of my new project, well here it is a few days later...I didn't work on it to much though, so it's not close to being done... :

ok, ok, you can't really see that much of it, but it's on my head...well, you get the idea I hope..HAHA

Sonntag, 19. Oktober 2008

Psalm 23

Saturday we had out main children's ministry meeting, where we get together with everyone that works in the children's ministry at church, to talk about our work and to pray together.
We heard about the 23rd Psalm and were told to sit down with a piece of paper and draw or write down what comes up when we think about the psalm.

I thought about how important it is, that when we are in a "dark valley" , that we don't forget that God is still in control, and that he WILL lead os to green pastures. 
A lot of times we, or at least that's what I like to do, bathe in our down- times, we think way to much about the dark season we are in and are in danger of loosing the joy that we should have in the Lord!

Well, here is the picture I drew :

The sheep is going through a dry and dark valley, but ahead it sees the shepherd leading it to the green pastures. You might need to klick on the picture to make it bigger, to be able to see the shepherd in the sky...

I spent today with my "adoptive" family. Even though Ines isn't there.. I MISS YOU!...
I had a great time with my "mom" and "dad" and my "siblings".
We had waffles and a good time talking..and a lot of that!!! :-)
I love those times with them, it is so good to have friends to spend time with and talk about whatever is on your heart. 

On my way there I drove through this beautiful forest:

Freitag, 17. Oktober 2008

I love my bed...

Sleep has been my best friends these days. I don't know what's up, but I've been super exhausted all week long.
School started again and I have to get used to getting up early again, but I've never been this exhausted before.
Wednesday I went to bed at 8.30 pm and slept until the next morning, Thursday it was even earlier, 7pm.  Yesterday I slept 3 hours from 4 till 7 and today from 4 till 8... yay

neway... tonight I will be playing taxi for a group from the BC. I am taking them to the Hahn airport (2,5 h one way) from where they will be leaving to Ireland for outreach-week.

Pray for all the groups that are going to different places to bless other churches or share the gospel in different cities. 

Montag, 13. Oktober 2008

more sun and hanging out...

soo...there was more sun to be enjoyed today!! yay

School started again today, after a 2 week break. It was fun to see the kids again!

Later on I went over to the BC an hung out with Sabine, Jess and Horst Henning. We all sat outside and read.
I love this fall weather, it's amazing and the colors of the leafs are so pretty!! I should try to get some more pictures of the trees here.

my new project: I hope it will turn out looking a lil bit like a beanie... :-)
Hanging out:

Sonntag, 12. Oktober 2008

early morning, sad past, waiting fortress, long car rides, great friends...

After only getting 3 hours of sleap last night, I had to get up early and be at the villa at 7am.
I met up with Mick, Shawn and Cristal and we went on a 3 hour drive to a concentration-camp in Buchenwald. 
I wasn't to tired though and couldn't have slept anyways, since I had to tell Mick where to go.

We got to Buchenwald around 10 am and started our own tour with a little gadget that told us things about the different stations along the way. It was a good tour, but of course there was always the sadness in the back of our heads, that humans could do this to another human being.

Around 12 (I think) we got back into the car and went on to get some lunch, which we had at a small lunch-place, where we ate something.

We traveled on to the Wartburg, which is the fortress or castle where Luther had been hiding and translated the New Testament into german. We didn't do the big tour, since we were mostly interested in seeing Luthers room and some other minor things outside of the castle.
We had some coffee there too and had a great time hanging out.

I think it was 4.30 pm when we got back to the car and headed home.
The car ride was a lot of fun and we laughed a lot!
We had to stop on the autobahn after a couple of minutes, because the police had blocked the road, which lasted an hour. We had a lot of fun though as you can see in the pictures.
Mick at one point decided to clean our windows (oh how good it is to have windex  with you wherever you go *haha*) and the ppl in the car next to us jokingly asked him to clean theirs too. Of course Mick did not hesitate one second, and did it. We laughed soo much!

We finally got home arround 7.30 pm and had some dinner.
Here are some more pics from the trip:

pretty friends:

Later tonight some guys from the BC decided to have fun with a wrestling-match, which kinda scarred me...but what can ya say...if it's fun..:

Now I'm's 2.30 am...TIME FOR BED!!!! 

Freitag, 10. Oktober 2008

oh sunny fall!!

The sun was out today, which was amazing!!!
One thing you can see happening on those days, is how the BC jumps into life. :-)
People start crawling out of their holes and sit outside to soak up the sun. Here are a few pics from today.

Some of the guys decided that it would be fun to go for a.. well I guess you could call it "ride" on the river Sieg:

first they had to blow up the boat though:
(note that Aaron is kneeling on the tube that Harrison is trying to blow up :-D

they tried the boat out on dry land first...I don't know if they ever made it into the water, cause I had to leave... I will find out tomorrow and let you know.

Donnerstag, 9. Oktober 2008

Kersin, movie, friends and black sheep

I am still off rom work this week and I'm really enjoying my free time. I get to sleep longer which is nice, but I also need to start getting up earlier again to get used to it for next week.
I started to go over to the BC again, which I really missed!
It's been good to see my friends there again and to spend some time with them.
I also went to the Cb a couple of times to read or spend time with ppl there.
Katja taught me to crochet and so I've been doing that for the last two days too. :-)

On tuesday Kerstin and I got a movei which we watched at her place. The movie was called "Made of Honor" and it was cute and fun. :-)
I got to spend more time with Kerstin in general, which was really cool!

Today Alex, Jason, Shawn, Joanna and I went to the "Black Sheep" for dinner. It was soo good, but way to much food, so now I kinda feel sick, even though I didn't finish my plate. 
I love spending time with those guys and definitely need to go hang out with them some more!

Freitag, 3. Oktober 2008

sundays, retreats, fish and long drives..

so, it looks like you have to wait longer and longer for my entries..oh well, I'll try to have a more interesting life and send more pictures. :-)
I still haven't found my memory-card, but took one from my parents, so I can at least post some new pics today.

Last week I went to a retreat to help with the children's ministry and it turned out to be a huge blessing to me!!
Friends asked me if I would have time to take care of three little girls during the conference, which was held by a christian organization. The girls were awesome, but I also got to help with the older kids too, which was a great blessing.
But what was the greatest blessing of all to me were the daily prayers for us that worked with the kids. It was so awesome to have older brothers and sisters pray over you. One day I felt very sick and not at all ready for the kids, they prayed for me and it all went away! Isn't God amazing!!!
Another thing that God did during this time, was to take care of my financial problems from last month.
I know that he gave me that job in the school and one big thing was, that he told me he would take care of me financially too. Me, having the little faith we all "love", started panicking as the month came to an end and my bank-account was empty and even below that. So I really needed God to help me.
The last day of the conference me and the other workers had to come up front and got a little thank you from them. They thanked me and then also told me that they had decided to collect some money for me... :-O I had not told them anything about my situation!! ahh GOD is soooo good! The money they handed me was the exact amount I needed to pay off my bills from last month!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Praise the LORD!!!

I didn't get to take any pics during the week, but here are some that my friend Rachel took when I came out for sunday service:

whatever it was, we didn't like it....